Otome Toge Maria Seido (Otome Toge Maria Chapel)

Otome Toge Maria Chapel

The Otome Toge Maria Chapel (乙女峠マリア聖堂) is a Christian chapel located in Tsuwano Town, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Situated in the mountains west of Tsuwano Station, its name originates from the history of hidden Christians in the late Edo and early Meiji periods.

The chapel was built to commemorate the 37 martyrs who died among the 153 hidden Christians sent from Nagasaki during the Meiji era. The stained glass windows inside the chapel depict the suffering and sorrow of the martyrs.

The area around the chapel is known as Otome Pass, a place where hidden Christians secretly practiced their faith. A legend of the Virgin Mary’s apparition persists in the pass, and it continues to attract many pilgrims to this day.

Otome Toge Maria Chapel is not only a significant site for understanding the history of Christianity but also a peaceful sanctuary surrounded by beautiful nature.

Getting there

From Tsuwano Station to Otome Toge Maria Seido:

WalkAbout 20 minutes


HoursOpen 24 hours
Phone+81 856-72-0251
Address〒699-5605 Shimane, Kanoashi District, Tsuwano, Ushiroda, Otome Toge
Official Websitehttp://www.sun-net.jp/~otome/tsuwano-otometouge.html