Takamijima Island


Takamijima Island (高見島) is a small island located in the Seto Inland Sea, off the coast of Tadotsu, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. The island is known for its natural beauty, historic temples and shrines, and unique cultural heritage.

One of the main attractions on Takamijima is the Takami Hachimangu Shrine (高見八幡宮), the island’s tutelary deity.

Another popular attraction on Takamijima is the island’s natural beauty. The island has several hiking trails that offer scenic views of the surrounding sea and coastline. Visitors can also enjoy the island’s beautiful beaches, which are popular for swimming, sunbathing, and fishing.

In addition to its natural beauty and historic shrines, Takamijima is also known for its unique cultural heritage. The island has a long history of making dried sardines (iriko) and nori (seaweed).

Visitors to Takamijima can also enjoy the island’s traditional Japanese-style architecture and culture, especially in the Ura district. The island has several well-preserved historic buildings, including Daishoji Temple, which is said to have been founded by Kobo Daishi (Kukai).

Getting there

To reach Takamijima:

Take a train to Tadotsu Station:

  • From Marugame: 5 minutes, 240 yen (local train)
  • From Takamatsu: 30-45 minutes, 740-2230 yen (local or limited express)
  • From Okayama: 45-60 minutes, 1210-3140 yen (local or limited express)

From Tadotsu Station to Tadotsu Port:

  • 15-20 minute walk or a short taxi ride

Ferry from Tadotsu Port to Takamijima:

  • 25 minutes, 500 yen one way
  • Four daily ferries