Motsuji Temple

Motsuji Temple

Motsuji Temple (毛越寺), located in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture, is a Buddhist temple established in 850 CE during the Heian period by the monk Jikaku Daishi Ennin. It is renowned for its beautiful gardens and historical significance as a component of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, “Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens, and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land.”

While the temple’s main hall and other structures were lost to fires over the centuries, Motsuji Temple’s Pure Land Garden remains remarkably well-preserved. The garden is considered one of the most beautiful in Japan, featuring a large pond surrounded by hills and meticulously arranged rocks and plants, designed to evoke the Western Paradise of the Amida Buddha, a central figure in Pure Land Buddhism.

The temple is also associated with the famous Japanese poet Matsuo Basho, who visited in the 17th century. Basho composed several poems lamenting the temple’s decline, which helped to raise awareness and appreciation for its historical and aesthetic value among the Japanese people.

Today, visitors to Motsuji Temple can explore the temple grounds, including a reconstructed Heian-period building called the “Gara no Gosho” (Hall of Fragrance), admire the stunning Pure Land Garden, and learn about its history and cultural significance. The temple also offers opportunities for visitors to participate in traditional Buddhist practices such as meditation and chanting.

Getting there

By Train and Walking

From JR Hiraizumi Station:

  • About 7 minutes on foot

By Bus

From Hiraizumi Station:

  • Take the Hiraizumi-cho Circulation Bus (Run-Run)
  • Get off at Motsuji stop (3 minutes)

By Car

  • About 3 minutes drive from JR Hiraizumi Station
  • Parking available at Municipal Motsuji Temple Parking Lot:
  • 330 spaces
  • Rates: 300 yen for regular vehicles, 750 yen for large buses


Hours8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
November 5th to March 4th / 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
AdmissionAdults: 700 yen
High school students: 400 yen
Elementary school and junior high school students: 200 yen
Phone+81 191-46-2331
Address〒029-4102 Iwate, Nishiiwai District, Hiraizumi, Osawa−58